Loading...  机逢巧缘之下用了AWS和Azure的服务器,也就是常说的光帆和AZ100,双方均有一定的网络额度,但由于官方文档一直没写刷新时间所以我一开始不是很清楚相关信息,网络上搜索也没有标准的回答,因此我咨询了客服了解了相关问题。先说AZ100吧,毕竟他是我第一个真正给我白嫖的服务器,还是用我自己的学生邮箱注册成功的,可以说是最初的快乐。 ### Azure100 通过[官网](https://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/pricing/details/bandwidth/),我们可以查询到每个月我们可以免费使用100G的流量。  而每个月流量的刷新时间则是出账期,发现大厂貌似都是这个模式。  ## EC2 EC2的流量重置时间也是每个月的出账期,大约是每个月的3-5号这样。 > 05:49:43 AM Ashley: Hello, my name is Ashley. I'm here to help you today. > 05:49:52 AM togji: Is the traffic of EC2 or lightsail reset at the start time next month or at a fixed time every month? > > 05:52:46 AM togji: For example, I opened a lightsail on September 10, and I used up his data. If I want to save the cost of overcharging, can I continue to use it on the 10th of the next month or the 1st of the next month? > 05:53:05 AM Ashley: **The best way I can answer your question is that it resets on the Billing Management Console at the start of every month for the bill. > The amount of traffic however is based on whether their is changes made to the active resources.** > If no changes are made then it would remain the same, > 05:54:47 AM Ashley: **I believe in your example you are referring to the free tier limits not being exceeded. You can utilize the free tier on the first of the next month.** > 05:55:11 AM togji: Thanks, I think I got the answer I was looking for. > 05:55:22 AM Ashley: Your most welcome > 05:55:30 AM Ashley: Any other concerns or requests ? > 05:55:48 AM togji: No, thank you for your patience to answer. > 05:56:18 AM Ashley: Its been a pleasure assisting you today > 05:57:46 AM Ashley: Thank you for contacting Amazon Web Services. > > If you have no further questions, choose "End Chat" to close this chat window from your end. > > To see a record of our chat, open the case in Support Center and look under “Correspondence”. > > If you need anything after the chat has ended, feel free to update the case and an agent will assist you further. 流量是每个月的账单期重置,且光帆的流量是按照你所开的机器资源决定总量的,所以有时候如果流量超了说不定可以通过多开几个机器来提高限额,反正机器是按照开机时间来定价的。 最后修改:2022 年 09 月 15 日 © 允许规范转载 赞 2 如果觉得我的文章对你有用,请随意赞赏
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